
All artwork on this blog drawn by Bob Hobbs, for
Using Beauty and her Beast to Introduce the Human Shadow

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How I Recognize My Own Shadow

Icarus falling
Got this from my friend Robert Tompkins today:

How I Recognize My Own Shadow

I see Senator X on TV,
blocking the Start treaty on nuclear control with Russia.
And I loathe him.
I feel disgust, contempt.
The man is just venal. Stupid. Evil.
(All of which he may be.)

Then I ask myself:
But aren't I block-headed, overly stern and self-punishing, too?
Wouldn't I rather destroy something than appear vulnerable?
Do I tend to cling to the same tired old defenses, in spite of all logic?
(Uh, yeah. 'Fraid I do.)

Goddam it, Senator X is a part of me.
And I am a part of him.
We are actually connected by our hatred for one another's opinions.

Can I let this into my heart?
Can I feel the truth of this without applying guilt or shame?

Then can I go further?
Can I realize that this is not truly who I am?
That this is not truly who Senator X is, either?

Can I experience my Self, here and now, without denying the figures in my shadow?

Can I listen to Senator X, without denying the figures in his shadow?

--Robert Tompkins

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Check out kochindustriesfacts.com

One of the reasons it's so hard for us to make good decisions about climate protection: there are mountains of sheer propaganda and false 'information' being funded and spread by the firms and families who make their billions selling oil and coal. 

In particular, I'm talking about the Koch brothers. Much of the mis-information about climate change and climate protection circulating through our culture emanates from these guys, who are not thinking about your health or mine. They're thinking about their bottom line.

Check out the new website that's being built to start bringing what the Koch brothers are up to out into the light: kochindustriesfacts.com.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Government R Us

There's no better indicator of just how lost in the shadows we are than the fact that vast numbers of us describe the government as "them." 

But unfortunately, this is a democracy. One of those things where people govern themselves. If our government is not working, we have no one to blame but ourselves. 

What good is it doing for Republicans to be so upset at Obama that they can think of nothing more important than getting him out of office in 2 more years? (Mitch McConnell: defeating Obama in 2012 is our top priority) That is not even trying to govern, folks. That is flat-out obstructionism; a sore loser scheming to get back on top again.

And then what? Back to the policies that got us into this mess in the first place? 

Bush was in the White House for 8 years. And the country was in terrible shape when he left office. In fact, the first bailouts occurred during the Bush administration. Obama has been in office for 2 years.

Now, which is the bigger number, 8 (Bush) or 2 (Obama)?

And let's be clear about the 2 year part: the bailouts were a necessary evil which kept us out of a full scale depression. The health care bill was a good start in a direction a majority of Americans want and need. Government spending is completely out of control, but not because of anything Obama's done. Government spending is completely out of control because the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are completely unfunded, and because as a people we are too childish to tax ourselves in proportion to the number of goodies we like to receive. 

When people wearing funny hats start gathering together and yelling, "We want our country back!" just who do they think has it? 

Look in the mirror, folks. The government R us.