
All artwork on this blog drawn by Bob Hobbs, for
Using Beauty and her Beast to Introduce the Human Shadow

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Scarier than Halloween

I don't know about you, but it wouldn't have to be Halloween for the political climate in this country to be terrifying me.  

Are we de-volving?

Have we gotten to the place where human beings only use their intelligence to project whatever they don't like about themselves onto other people, rather than using their intelligence to correct whatever it is about themselves they don't like?


Thursday, October 7, 2010

High Stakes in Extraordinary Times

This is from the preface to Cosmos and Psyche, by Richard Tarnas:

"We find ourselves at an extraordinary threshold. One need not be graced with prophetic insight to recognize that we are living in one of those rare ages, like the end of classical antiquity or the beginning of the modern era, that bring forth, through great stress and struggle, a genuinely fundamental transformation in the underlying assumptions and principles of the cultural world view. Amidst the multitude of debates and controversies that fill the intellectual arena, our basic understanding of reality is in contention: the role of the human being in nature and the cosmos, the status of human knowledge, the basis of moral values, the dilemmas of pluralism, relativism, objectivity, the spiritual dimension of life, the direction and meaning -- if any -- of history and evolution. The outcome of this tremendous moment in our civilization's history is deeply uncertain. Something is dying, and something is being born. The stakes are high, for the future of humanity and the future of the Earth."